Uno de los efebos de Pedro Abad, preparado para su traslado a Madrid
Uno de los efebos de Pedro Abad, preparado para su traslado a Madrid
ABC Córdoba: Los efebos de Pedro Abad se expondrán en Madrid tras su restauración en el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio

The ephebos Apollonian and Dionysiac, found in 2012 in Pedro Abad, will be exhibited, after a delicate restoration process carried out by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH), in the exhibition 'Picasso 1906.

MAN RAY-Fotografía de Alice B Toklas y Gertrude Stein
MAN RAY-Fotografía de Alice B Toklas y Gertrude Stein
El Correo: Picasso y Gertrude Stein, dos amigos en vanguardia

Among all the exhibitions paying tribute to Picasso in the year of the 50th anniversary of his death, there is one in which he shares the limelight with writer and collector Gertrude Stein (1874-1946).

Pablo Picasso, "Las Meninas", 1957
Pablo Picasso, "Las Meninas", 1957
Óleo sobre tela, 194 cm x 260 cm, Museu Picasso Barcelona
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023.

Vida de Madrid: «Diego Velázquez invita a Pablo Picasso y Carmen Calvo», la nueva exposición en Madrid

Casa de Velázquez joins the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso.

Visitante observando una de las piezas del museo
Visitante observando una de las piezas del museo
Europa Press: Picasso y las influencias de Cervantes y Góngora, protagonistas de una exposición en la Hispanic Society de Nueva York

The Hispanic Society of America in New York has inaugurated 'Picasso and the Spanish classics', the last of the seven exhibitions programmed in the United States within the framework of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, which explores the readings of the painter from Malaga and the influence on

RTVE: Miró-Picasso', reencuentro en Barcelona

Joan Miró and Pablo Ruiz Picasso, two geniuses of 20th century art, come face to face in what is the most important exhibition of those being held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of the painter from Malaga.

Pablo Picasso, "Don Quijote y Sancho Panza", 1937
Pablo Picasso, "Don Quijote y Sancho Panza", 1937
Aguatinta al azúcar, raspador y buril
Segundo estado
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023
La Vanguardia (via EFE): Una exposición en Nueva York explora la relación de Picasso con Góngora y Cervantes

A temporary exhibition at the Hispanic Society of New York that opens tomorrow explores the relationship that the artist Pablo Picasso had with Spanish literature of the Golden Age, especially with two leading figures of this era: Luis de Góngora and Miguel de Cervantes.

Pablo Picasso, “Primera comunión”, 1896
Pablo Picasso, “Primera comunión”, 1896
Óleo sobre tela, 165 cm x 117 cm
Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970
Museu Picasso Barcelona
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2024
Play of the week: "First Communion" (1896)

The work First Communion (1896) represents a milestone in Pablo Picasso's early career and marks his foray into large format painting.

Jaime Sabartés, “Picasso. Retratos y recuerdos.”
Jaime Sabartés, “Picasso. Retratos y recuerdos.”
Bibliography: Picasso. Portraits and memories. Jaime Sabartés

Over the years, the figure of Pablo Picasso has been the subject of countless analyses and biographies, some from sources as close as that of Jaime Sabartés, poet, friend and personal secretary of the artist since 1935. His book Picasso.

Pablo Picasso, “Jaume Sabartés con gorguera y sombrero” 1939
Pablo Picasso, “Jaume Sabartés con gorguera y sombrero” 1939
Óleo sobre tela, 46 cm x 38 cm
Donación Jaume Sabartés, 1962
Museu Picasso Barcelona
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023
Artwork of the week: "Jaume Sabartés with ruff and hat" (1939)

Jaume Sabartés with ruff and hat (1939) is a singular portrait that captures the essence of the relationship between Picasso and his great friend Jaume Sabartés, who, in this portrait, is immortalized as a gentleman dressed in the style of the time of Philip II.

Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Nº Inv CE00063 A. Villers
© Sucesión Picasso / VEGAP Madrid 2022
La Vanguardia (via EFE): Picasso Year celebrations have already received three million visitors

The celebrations of the Picasso Year (1973-2023), an initiative promoted by the governments of Spain and France for the 50th anniversary of the artist's death, have already received more than 3 million visitors in the 46 national and international exhibitions organized.