La Vanguardia (via EFE): Picasso Year celebrations have already received three million visitors

Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Nº Inv CE00063 A. Villers
© Sucesión Picasso / VEGAP Madrid 2022

The celebrations of the Picasso Year (1973-2023), an initiative promoted by the governments of Spain and France for the 50th anniversary of the artist's death, have already received more than 3 million visitors in the 46 national and international exhibitions organized.

In Spain, since the official opening of the program, 17 exhibitions and 49 parallel activities have opened, bringing together more than 1.5 million visitors.

The Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, organized to pay tribute to Pablo Picasso, who died on April 8, 1973, began in June 2022 in Basel and has highlighted in 18 months the figure of the artist as an international reference and a symbol of creativity, explains the organization in a statement.

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