Naturaleza muerta con rejilla, Pablo Picasso, 1912
Pablo Picasso, "Naturaleza muerta con rejilla", 1912
Óleo y hule sobre lienzo con bastidor de cuerda, 29 x 37 cm, Musée Picasso París.
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

The perceptual and psychological games of cubism and trompe l'oeil at the Met

The Metropolitan Museum of Art  

20.10.2022 – 22.01.2023  

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York opens the exhibition Cubism and the Trompe l'Oeil Tradition, on view fro

Violín y partitura, Pablo Picasso (1912)
Pablo Picasso, "Violín y partitura", 1912
Papel de periódico recortado y pegado, grafito, carboncillo y tinta sobre papel verjurado blanco; posteriormente montado en cartón, 61 × 46.7 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York.
©Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023
The evolution of abstract art through Pablo Picasso

Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique  

14.10.2022 - 12.02.2023 

The Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts of Belgium deciphers for the first time Pablo Picasso's relationship with abstraction, through

Proyecto para un monumento a Guillaume Apollinaire, Pablo Picasso, 1928
Pablo Picasso, "Proyecto para un monumento a Guillaume Apollinaire", 1928
Acero pintado, 198.1 x 74.8 x 159.8 cm. The Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York.
©Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023
Picasso was also a sculptor thanks to his friend Julio González

Fundación MAPFRE  

23.09.2022 - 08.01.2023 

Julio González, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture is an exhibition that revisits one of the milestones of 20th century art: the collaboration between Julio González and Pablo Picasso

"Las Bañistas", Pablo Picasso, 1918
Las Bañistas, Pablo Picasso, 1918
© Sucesion Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023
Chanel and Picasso: the influence of art on fashion and vice versa

Museo Nacional, Madrid Thyssen-Bornemisza 

11.10.2022 – 15.01.2023 

The exhibition Picasso/Chanel explores the relationship between Pablo Picasso and Gabrielle Chanel and their professional collaboration on two occasions, both with Jean Cocteau

Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster
Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster
© Sucession Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid 2023
Pablo Picasso's two loves who left a record of his memories. 

Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster  

01.10.2022 – 21.01.2023 

The Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster is devoting an extensive exhibition to Fernande Olivier and Francoise Gilot, Pi

Elvira González
Elvira González
Elvira González: "What happens in Spain is that Picasso is a monster, and that irritates and annoys"

In the 1970s, when exhibiting Picasso in Spain was a challenge, Spanish art gallery owner Elvira Gonzalez dared to do it. 

Feier Picasso 1973-2023
Feier Picasso 1973-2023
Opening of the exhibition "FERNANDE and FRANÇOISE"

An extensive exhibition dedicated to Fernande Olivier and Françoise Gilot, inseparably linked to the artist's work, opens to the public with nearly 90 paintings, sculptures, works on paper and ceramics. 

Exposición "Julio González, Pablo Picasso y la desmaterialización de la escultura"
Inauguración Fundación MAPFRE
Salas de la exposición "Julio González, Pablo Picasso y la desmaterialización de la escultura"
Fundación MAPFRE © Sucesión Pablo Picasso. VEGAP, Madrid, 2022
Opening of "Julio Gonzalez, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture"

Fundación MAPFRE opens to the public an exhibition that presents the collaboration between Pablo Picasso and Julio Gonzalez.

Celebración Picasso 1973-2023
Celebración Picasso 1973-2023
Julio Gonzalez, Pablo Picasso and the dematerialization of sculpture

Institución Sala de Recoletos. Fundación MAPFRE

Celebración Picasso 1973-2023
Celebración Picasso 1973-2023
Picasso / Chanel

Museo: Sala de exposiciones temporales. Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza