Life of Picasso: Picasso in contemporary music

Pablo Picasso, “Los tres músicos”, 1921
Pablo Picasso, “Los tres músicos”, 1921
Óleo sobre lienzo, 200.7 x 222.9 cm
The Modern Museum of Modern Art, New York
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

Pablo Picasso not only left a lasting legacy in the world of the pictorial arts, but his influence has transcended creative frontiers and has reached the musical sphere of our times.

His influence has permeated different musical genres and has captivated artists such as the English Paul McCartney, the American Brain Crain and the Spanish Diego El Cigala, who have featured the master in some of their songs and albums, as well as groups such as the Dutch Spinvis and the Korean pop group KINGDOM.


Paul McCartney in collaboration with Wings

This well-known member of The Beatles published a song entitled 'Picasso's Last Words (Drink To Me)' in 1973, the year of Picasso's death, together with the musical group Wings. In it, he talks about the artist's death and his last words, a farewell to one of the great artists of the 20th century.

Brain Crain

This piano composer of great stature, whose creations are used in films and television commercials all over the world, dedicated a melody to the figure of Picasso in 2014 under the title 'Picasso Blue'.

Diego El Cigala

This Spanish artist, a leading flamenco artist, released an album entitled 'Picasso En Mis Ojos' in 2005. Among the songs included, with samples of bulería, fandango, tango, rumba and solea, 'Guernika - Dolor' stands out. In it, "Guernika en mis ojos, cura mi cura" is repeated almost constantly.


This Dutch music project that plays with experimental sounds released a song called 'Picasso' in 2020. In it, written in French and Dutch, the singer talks about a girl whose cat is called Picasso.


This Korean pop group (K-POP) released a song called 'Picasso' in 2021. The lyrics, in Korean and English, are written by a boy who addresses a girl as his Picasso, because of her great beauty.


These five artists and/or musical groups are just a few examples of the wide range of current music in which Picasso's name is present. Just as the Malaga-born artist was captivated and inspired by the music of his time, his artistic legacy continues to exert an important impact on contemporary artists.



Lista “INSPIRACIÓN PICASSO” en Spotify del Museo Picasso Málaga: INSPIRACIÓN PICASSO