RTVE Audio presents two podcasts and an audiobook to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death

Photo/Jean-Jacques Levy, Picasso escucha la traducción durante el Congreso Mundial de Partisanos por la Paz en París, 23 de abril de 1949.
Photo/Jean-Jacques Levy, Picasso escucha la traducción durante el Congreso Mundial de Partisanos por la Paz en París, 23 de abril de 1949.
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2024

In the context of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, an initiative promoted by the Governments of Spain and France that pays tribute to the artist on the 50th anniversary of his death, RTVE Audio presents two podcasts and an audiobook dedicated to the figure of Picasso.

The first podcast, The documents of Guernica, details the story behind the arrival of Picasso's Guernica (1937) in Spain in 1981, during the Spanish Transition, produced in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, through the Subdirección de Archivos Estatales. Through a conversation between archivists Alba Villar, from the State Archives, and Antonio Lerma, from the National Historical Archive, we discover the process of searching for the documents of the commission, necessary to prove the Spanish ownership of the painting.

The second podcast, entitled An animal that is always alive, presents a round table organized by the journal Anales de Historia del Arte of the Department of Art History of the Universidad Complutense, moderated by Professor Fernando Ramos Arenas. In this episode, Carlos Alberdi, commissioner of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, Asunción Molinos Gordo, researcher and visual artist, and Rocío Robles Tardío, professor with extensive research on Picasso, explore the artist's image from different perspectives.

To complete this series of podcasts, RTVE Audio presents Picasso's literary work, on the occasion of the Spanish translation of Picasso's Writings (1935-1959) by Akal, on the occasion of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023. This audiobook allows us to discover the lesser-known facet of the Malaga-born artist, through his poems, essays and letters. With the interpretation of actor Víctor Clavijo, this chapter offers an auditory experience that reveals Picasso's creativity, beyond his visual works. With it, RTVE's cultural offer is extended with a series of audiobooks of texts by Spanish and Latin American writers.

Produced within the framework of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, with the support of the Spanish National Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Pablo Picasso's death, these audio contents complete the dissemination of Picasso's legacy and the deepening of his influence on contemporary art and culture, while offering new perspectives and knowledge about one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.