A journey to the Spain that inspired Pablo Picasso 50 years after his death

El Guernica en el Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid
El Guernica en el Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid
© Sucession Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

2023 is the year of Pablo Picasso in Spain and elsewhere in the world. On the 50th anniversary of the great artist's death on 8 April 1973, the country pays tribute to him with a rich series of events and 16 exhibitions in the cities linked to his life and work: Malaga, Madrid, Barcelona, La Coruña and Bilbao. Following in Picasso's footsteps, 2023 is the year of a new voyage of discovery through Spain.

You can read more about the artist's relationship with these cities and the exhibitions you can visit in them in the article in this link.