El Confidencial: El Reina Sofía expone al Picasso más 'queer' como cierre del aniversario

Visitante ante el Guernica
Visitante ante el Guernica
© Sucession Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

'Picasso 1906. The great transformation' reveals a painter attracted by homoeroticism, black art and the mask, and reflects his relations in Paris with the homosexual artistic environment.

Throughout this 2023, the figure of Pablo Picasso has been tinged with interpretations of various kinds. There has been talk of his private life (for better, for worse and for worse), of his genius as a painter and of his interest in different subjects, but the great closing -and probably one of the most surprising- comes with the exhibition Picasso 1906. The Great Transformation, which opens this Wednesday the 15th at the Reina Sofia Museum and reveals the most homoerotic and gender fluid Picasso, in the words of its curator, Eugenio Carmona. A 25-year-old Picasso absolutely modern and provocative, particularly attracted by the homosexual photography of the time and closely related to the gay scene in Paris that year. Although it has often been insisted otherwise.

"There is no text about Picasso in which there are no homophobic and misogynist allusions, and I can't stand it. Or that he wasn't interested in Gertrude Stein because she was fat and a lesbian, but please! When I saw that I wanted to throw the book on the floor. Picasso's relationship with gays was not an anecdote but a category", said Carmona this morning during the presentation. To clear any doubt.

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