El Confidencial Digital "RTVE Audio presents two podcasts and an audiobook dedicated to the figure of Picasso, on the 50th anniversary of his death."

Una mujer pasa ante el 'Retrato de Gertrude Stein' y un 'Autorretrato' de Picasso
Una mujer pasa ante el 'Retrato de Gertrude Stein' y un 'Autorretrato' de Picasso

RTVE Audio has presented two podcasts and an audiobook dedicated to the figure of Picasso, on the 50th anniversary of his death. The initiative, promoted by the Governments of Spain and France, explores the arrival of Guernica in Spain, the image of the artist and his literary work.

As noted, the first podcast, 'The Guernica Documents,' details the story behind the arrival of Picasso's Guernica (1937) in Spain in 1981, during the Spanish Transition, produced in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, through the Subdirectorate of State Archives. Through a conversation between archivists Alba Villar, from the State Archives, and Antonio Lerma, from the National Historical Archive, the process of searching for the commission documents, necessary to prove the Spanish ownership of the painting, is uncovered.

The second, entitled 'An animal that is always alive', presents a round table organized by the journal 'Anales de Historia', from the Department of Art History of the Universidad Complutense, moderated by Professor Fernando Ramos Arenas. In this episode, Carlos Alberdi, commissioner of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, researcher and visual artist, Asunción Molinos Gordo, and professor Rocío Robles Tardío, explore the image of the artist from different perspectives.

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