EFE: "Litoral" magazine meets again with Picasso, the artist "who never ends".

Una mujer camina junto a uno de los murales con alusiones al genial pintor Pablo Picasso y a la ciudad de Málaga en Shanghái.
Una mujer camina junto a uno de los murales con alusiones al genial pintor Pablo Picasso y a la ciudad de Málaga en Shanghái.

"Picasso never ends" Josep Palau i Fabre once said, and this idea of an infinite artist with an unfinished work fifty years after his death is the theme of the latest issue of the magazine 'Litoral', dedicated to the Malaga-born artist.

It is a reunion, because Picasso was a regular in the pages of each issue of the magazine founded in 1926 by Emilio Prados and Manuel Altolaguirre in Malaga. That in these almost one hundred years of history had given him prominence on four previous occasions.

As pointed out in an interview with EFE by the director of 'Litoral', Lorenzo Saval, the first encounter with Picasso took place in the 20s of the last century, when the Malaga native participated in the tribute to Góngora, and the next one was in the 60s with an issue already dedicated exclusively to the artist.

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