EFE: RESUMEN 2023-CULTURA | Picasso y Sorolla, protagonistas del año de la apertura de las Colecciones Reales

Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Fotografia 75 cumpleaños de Picasso en el taller de alfarería Madoura en Vallauris
Nº Inv CE00063 A. Villers
© Sucesión Picasso / VEGAP Madrid 2022

2023 has been a year of celebration for Spanish art, marked by the anniversaries of Picasso and Sorolla and the opening of the Royal Collections Gallery, which has become a new stop on the circuit of great museums headed by the Prado and the Reina Sofia, with a new director.

This year has also been one of complete normality and overcoming the impact of the COVID. Thus, in the Prado the number of visitors will be very close to the record achieved in the year of the Bicentennial (2019) and will end with more than 3.1 million.

They have contemplated, for example, the paintings of the Italian Baroque painter Guido Reni (1575-1642), who between March 28 and July 9 engaged in dialogue with Murillo or Caravaggio who, influenced by his work, addressed the same themes.

In the case of the Reina Sofia, the arrival of Manuel Segade to replace Manuel Borja-Villel as director of the museum devoted to the 20th and 21st centuries was announced in the middle of the year.

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