La Vanguardia (via EFE): Una exposición en Nueva York explora la relación de Picasso con Góngora y Cervantes

Pablo Picasso, "Don Quijote y Sancho Panza", 1937
Pablo Picasso, "Don Quijote y Sancho Panza", 1937
Aguatinta al azúcar, raspador y buril
Segundo estado
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

A temporary exhibition at the Hispanic Society of New York that opens tomorrow explores the relationship that the artist Pablo Picasso had with Spanish literature of the Golden Age, especially with two leading figures of this era: Luis de Góngora and Miguel de Cervantes.

"Picasso and the Spanish Classics" aims to show an aspect of the artist that often goes unnoticed: how the works of Góngora and Cervantes inspired him to create a series of engravings in which he illustrates the characters of Don Quixote or interprets with drawings the sonnets of Luis de Góngora.

The exhibition was initially conceived as a monographic on Picasso and La Celestina -since the Hispanic owns an original edition of the classic by Fernando de Rojas-, but the Hispanic was unable to get the loan of the work by the Malaga artist entitled precisely "La Celestina" from the Picasso Museum in Paris, so it opted for a more general approach to the classics.

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