La Vanguardia (via EFE): El Reina Sofía inaugura hoy una gran exposición que cierra el Año Picasso

Autorretrato, Pablo Picasso, 1906
Autorretrato, Pablo Picasso, 1906
Pablo Picasso, Autorretrato, 1906. © Sucesión Pablo Picasso. VEGAP, Madrid, 2022

More than 120 works from private collections and museums such as the MoMA, the MET, the Louvre or the Prado, make up the exhibition that opens today at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, which analyzes the year 1906 as the year of the great transformation of Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

A decisive stage in the career of the painter from Malaga that can be seen in "Picasso 1906. The great transformation", an exhibition that will be open to the public from Wednesday until March 4 and will close the official program of international exhibitions to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of the Spanish genius.

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