Europa Press: El Prado, Reina Sofía, Thyssen, Festival de San Sebastián y Guggenheim, lo mejor de la cultura en España en 2023

Lee Miller, Picasso en su estudio durante la Liberación de París, Rue des Grands Augustins, 1944.
Lee Miller, Picasso en su estudio durante la Liberación de París, Rue des Grands Augustins, 1944.
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2024

The Prado, Reina Sofía, Thyssen and Guggenheim museums and the San Sebastian Festival have been chosen as the best of culture in Spain in 2023, according to the Observatorio de la Cultura for the year 2023.

This report is based on the opinions of 414 members of a panel of culture professionals, who have responded in December 2023 to a questionnaire assessing as every year the best of the cultural offer.

In this year's edition, the Galería de las Colecciones Reales, in Madrid, the Centro de arte Hortensia Herrero, in Valencia and the Sorolla Centenary have been the most outstanding novelties of the year, while Filmin has been chosen as the best digital proposal.

For its part, La Caixa Foundation was named the institution most committed to sustainable development. By regions, Madrid, Catalonia, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community and Andalusia once again occupy the top five places as the most highly valued for their programming, in a block that stands out from the rest.

In a second block, Galicia, Navarra and Cantabria are mentioned by more than 10% of the panelists. In terms of cities, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia (consolidating the third place achieved in 2022), Bilbao, Malaga, Seville, San Sebastian, Santander, Valladolid (gaining one place with its best historical valuation) and Zaragoza occupy the top positions. Overall, the Prado Museum ranks first in "the best of Spain", followed by the Reina Sofia Museum, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, the San Sebastian Festival, and the Guggenheim Museum; completing the top ten positions are the Royal Theater, the IVAM, the Centre del Carme, ARCO and PHotoEspaña.

The list is completed with up to 108 institutions and activities. Among the most outstanding entries in this year's ranking are the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 (18), the new Royal Collections Gallery (22), the Sorolla Centennial (29), the Picasso Museum in Barcelona (41) and the new Hortensia Herrero Art Center (42).

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