Bilbao Hiria: Exposición de ‘Picasso escultor, materia y cuerpo’ en el Guggenheim

El Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, en una foto cedida por el museo
El Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, en una foto cedida por el museo

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents a fascinating exhibition entitled "Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body", which offers a unique perspective on the sculptural work of Pablo Picasso. This exhibition brings together more than 50 sculptures created by the Malaga-born genius between 1909 and 1962, covering the breadth and diversity of styles he used to represent the human body. This collection of sculptures is a historical journey through styles such as cubism, abstraction and primitive art, challenging the limits between sculpture and painting, and between the finished work and the project.

Organized in collaboration with the Museo Picasso Málaga, the exhibition is part of the international program "Celebration Picasso 1973-2023". With the support of the Musée national Picasso-Paris and the Spanish National Commission for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death, this event highlights the importance of sculpture in the artist's work. Picasso, known primarily for his painting, considered sculpture as important a form of expression as any other, which is clearly reflected in this exhibition.

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