ABC Cultura: Los reyes inauguran en el Reina Sofía la exposición con la que se cierra el Año Picasso

Fotografías de SS.MM. los Reyes, don Felipe y doña Leticia en la inauguración de la exposición Picasso 1906: la gran trasnformación
Fotografías de SS.MM. los Reyes, don Felipe y doña Leticia en la inauguración de la exposición Picasso 1906: la gran trasnformación
© Casa de S.M. el Rey

The King and Queen of Spain inaugurated this Tuesday the exhibition "Picasso 1906. The Great Transformation" at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, which closes the official program of international exhibitions to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of the artist from Malaga. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have toured the various rooms where the 120 works from private collections and art galleries such as the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in New York, (Met), the Louvre and the Picasso Museum in Paris or the Prado. The repertoire focuses on the year 1906, which is considered to be the year of Pablo Ruiz Picasso's great transformation and the beginning of a decisive stage in his contribution to modern art.

Reyes en el Reina