Vida de Madrid: «Diego Velázquez invita a Pablo Picasso y Carmen Calvo», la nueva exposición en Madrid

Pablo Picasso, "Las Meninas", 1957
Pablo Picasso, "Las Meninas", 1957
Óleo sobre tela, 194 cm x 260 cm, Museu Picasso Barcelona
© Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023.

Casa de Velázquez joins the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso. In this exhibition, visitors will be able to enter into a poetic-aesthetic journey that focuses on the question of creation and its variations. 

The exhibition explores Velázquez's connection with Picasso and Carmen Calvo through Las Meninas. In addition, this exhibition will dialogue the artist's graphic works with archival photography, letters and audiovisual documents. 

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