Spain begins its "great tribute" to Picasso on the 50th anniversary of his death

El ministro de Cultura y Deportes, Miquel Iceta, ante "El Guernika", de Picasso.
El ministro de Cultura y Deportes, Miquel Iceta, ante "El Guernika", de Picasso.
EFE/Juan Carlos Hidalgo
© Sucession Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023

Madrid (EFE) - Under the premise that Spain has to pay the "great tribute" that was not paid to the artist Pablo Picasso during his lifetime, the events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his death have already begun to take place, despite the fact that the "peak" of the "Picasso Year" will be on 8 April 2023, the day that will mark half a century since his death.

This was stated to EFE by Carlos Alberdi, commissioner for the commemoration in his capacity as president of the Executive Committee set up for the event, one day before the 141st anniversary of the painter's birth is celebrated.

Access the full interview with Carlos Alberdi, commissioner of the Picasso Celebration here.