Celebration Picasso': a rereading of the myth under the magnifying glass of a "small inquisition".

Pablo Picasso. Cabeza de caballo
Pablo Picasso. Cabeza de caballo
Boceto para Guernica, 1937. Óleo sobre lienzo
Museo Reina Sofía.
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso. VEGAP, 2022

The 50th anniversary of the death of the most influential artist of the 20th century will explore all facets of the genius, including his alleged misogyny.

We usually tend to think that we know everything about Picasso simply because he is one of the most influential artists in the history of art. However, there are always nuances, less researched periods or re-readings to be made. With the passage of time we may discover that what had gone unnoticed is now relevant. The opposite can also happen. That is why Celebration Picasso 1973-2023 aims to study in detail the different facets of this artist who flirted with all disciplines, even with literature when, during the Nazi occupation of France, he considered abandoning painting.

Read more of El Español interview with Carlos Alberdi, commissioner of the Picasso Celebration, at the following link